Thursday, October 2, 2008

Mayor Slay talks about the new school superintendent

Congratulations to Dr. Kelvin Adams, new superintendent to the St. Louis Public Schools. I know that St. Louis was in competition with many other districts for such a talented leader. I wish Dr. Adams well – and I look forward to working with him.

I probably have a thick file of congratulations that I have given to new superintendents of the SLPS. All of them have begun their jobs with firm resolve and great hopes – only to be worn down, lured away, or run off after relatively short tenures. I hope that this time will be different. (And it should be. Dr. Adams has worked in challenging places, including St. Louis, before.)

The arrival of a new superintendent gives us yet another opportunity to focus on the future. I hope that as parents and taxpayers we can take advantage of this opportunity, and that stable governance, coupled with talented and committed management, can deliver on the promise of better educational outcomes for all of our children.

I remain committed to the idea that all children in this city deserve a high quality education, and that all families, regardless of where they live or how much they make, deserve access to free, quality public schools. That is a challenge that I know Dr. Adams understands. Courtesy of Mayor Slay Blog

SLPS Parents Movement to Support Dr. Kelvin Adams.