Saturday, December 6, 2008

"There is still much work to do," said St. Louis Superintendent Kelvin Adams in a statement-St. Louis Post-Dispatch, November 18, 2008.

All Stakeholders:

St. Louis Public Schools is governed by an appointed school board since the state revoked its accreditation in 2007. The city schools did show some improvement in accreditation. In 2007, the district met only two performance standards, the lowest achievement level in the state. In 2008, St. Louis Public Schools attained four accreditation points, which is an improvement over the previous year.

Missouri's 14 benchmarks emphasize student performance on state standardized testing while also figuring attendance, dropout and graduation rates, ACT scores, college placement and other criteria into the equation. Districts meeting between six and eight standards are considered to be provisionally accredited.

Read more about SLPS accreditation report and performance using the following links:

MSIP Review AQ Report (MSIP Third Cycle Information). This is a downladable report in Microsoft Word.

Frequency Distribution Report (MSIP Third Cycle Information)

2007-08 St. Louis School District Accountability Report Card. We'll provide the 2008-2009 Accountability Report Card as soon as it is made available by DESE.

We leave you with a quote from St. Louis Public Schools Superintendent:

"While the St. Louis Public School District is pleased to see improvement in our Annual Performance Report, there is still much work to do," said St. Louis Superintendent Kelvin Adams in a statement. Courtesy of Steve Giegerich, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 11/18/2008.

We solicit support from the citizens of St. Louis City for our school district and its superintendent and school administrators and teachers in their quest to regain accrediatation and give our children first class education.

Parents and Citizens of St. Louis City who Support the Superintendent, Teachers and Students of St. Louis Public Schools. Our slogan is "Support Destination Accreditation." Please pass this blog to others.