Saturday, January 3, 2009

Winter Break Academic Stimulus Packet

Dr. Kelvin Adams, the Superintendent of St. Louis Public Schools, sent "Academic Stimulus Packets" home with grades 1-8 students for the them to have fun and continue learning over the 2008 Winter Break.

The academic stimulus packets, the first of its kind we've seen in St. Louis Public Schools,
consist of challenging questions in different curriculum areas. The students will turn in the completed stimulus packets to their school teachers. More...

Dr. Adams has certainly come up with an innovative way of engaging these children and keeping them out of trouble, especially during the festive December holidays.

The St. Louis Public Schools Superintendent has certainly hit the ground running. It is refreshing to say the least.

We ask the stakeholders to ensure that he continues to run his school district without outside constraints. His job is to raise academic standards and student achievement and to regain accreditation. Please let us keep politics and special interest out of the superitendent's office.

We also ask the Governor-elect, who will definitely read our blog, to support and fund St. Louis Public Schools as he promised us in the 2008 elections.

Parents and Citizens of St. Louis City who Support the Superintendent, Teachers and Students of St. Louis Public Schools. Our slogan is "Support Destination Accreditation." Please pass this blog to others.