Friday, October 10, 2008

Some Facts about Dr. Kelvin Adams

Dr. Kelvin Adams, the incoming St. Louis Public Schools Superintendent:

1. Received a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership in Administration from the University of New Orleans in 2005, M.A. in Elementary Education from Xavier University in 1991 and a B.A. in Elementary Education and Special Education from Northeast Louisiana State University in 1978.
2. Is currently second in charge of the Recovery School District (RSD) in New Orleans (12,500 students vs. 28,000 for St. Louis). He'll assume his duties as Superintendent of St. Louis Public Schools on October 20, 2008.

3. Has held several roles since 1978, including teacher, middle school and high school principal, executive director, area superintendent and associate dean. Since 2007, he has held the position of Chief of Staff for the Recovery School District in New Orleans, Louisiana.

4. Was the only candidate of the final three to have any St. Louis connection or experience. He worked for St. Louis Public Schools as Interim Director of Human Resources in 2006-07.

5. Was slated to be successor of the Recovery School District superintendent, Dr. Vallas. Dr. Vallas strongly expressed confidence in Dr. Adams administrative and leadership skills.

6. Is well liked by the admistrators, staff, and teachers of the RSD as widely reported in the mass media.

7. Was the only candidate to be supported by the St. Louis teachers' union.

Many in New Orleans have expressed regret that the RSD is losing a young promising school administrator. That speaks to the aptitude, leadership style, and special qualities of Dr. Adams.

The Recovery School District of New Orleans Superintendent Vallas and State of Louisina Superintendent Paul Pastorek said "New Orleans will lose a veteran administrator who earned the trust of many educators working in the schools." Vallas often said he hoped Adams would succeed him. Adams' leaving "is going to set me back a little," Vallas said. "Obviously, we want to bring someone in who we really can groom to be superintendent." Pastorek called Adams "a special guy" who is "not easily replaceable."

“We can document Dr. Adams’ hands-on role in improving student achievement, as well as his commitment to students,” said Rick Sullivan, Chief Executive Officer of the Special Administrtive Board of St. Louis Public Schools. “He has an unblemished record, works hard, and is well respected for his work in New Orleans.”

Dr. Adams is quoted by the St. Louis press to have said "I am absolutely focused on one thing—student achievement." That is the kind of message we want to hear as St. Louis Public Schools parents and we are delighted to have Dr. Adams as the next Superintendent. He will be a valuable asset to our school district. He has our full and unswerving support.

Welcome Dr. Adams to the beautiful Gateway City and St. Louis Public Schools. We want you to feel at home.

St. Louis Public Schools Parents Movement to Support Dr. Kelvin Adams.