Saturday, January 24, 2009

Senators hear about St. Louis Public Schools, Prop A and the funding formula.

"St. Louis Public Schools Superintendent Kelvin Adams told senators today that to improve St. Louis schools, he needs “in a word, flexibility,” including more autonomy for principals and the possibility of merit pay as an enticement for science and math teachers.

He also said during a Senate seminar on education that the district needs more money, a common theme for hearings, especially this session.

But Senate President Pro Tem Charlie Shields complimented Adams, saying his is the best plan for the district Shields has heard in his 19 years in the General Assembly.

During the same seminar, Don Thalhuber, a former Senate education research analyst, spoke about the effect of Proposition A on the funding formula for education.

Proposition A increased the tax on casino gambling and eliminated loss limits, and all the extra revenue is supposed to go to education. Thalhuber said the money would make problems for the funding formula because the formula is still being phased in.

Also, the funding formula is being questioned in front of the Missouri Supreme Court, and Thalhuber said the extra money could hurt its chances of being ruled constitutional.
Thalhuber suggested legislators fix the language of the proposition." Courtesy of Roseann Moring, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, January 21, 2009.

Our Comment: We refer you to the following quote "But Senate President Pro Tem Charlie Shields complimented Adams, saying his is the best plan for the district Shields has heard in his 19 years in the General Assembly." Senate President Pro Tem Shields' compliment for Dr. Adams is especially notable because he is one the three most powerful legislators in Jefferson City along with the Governor Nixon and the Speaker of the House, Rep. Ron Richard. No legislation moves forward without the support of Senator Shields and Rep. Ron Richard.

Parents and Citizens of St. Louis City who Support the Superintendent, Teachers and Students of St. Louis Public Schools. Our slogan is "Support Destination Accreditation." Please pass this blog to others.