Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy New Year

To: Dr. Kelvin Adams, School District Administrators, Principals, Teachers, and Support Staff:

The organizers of this online journal would like to conclude 2008 with the following message:

We wish Dr. Kelvin Adams, his school district administrators, principals, teachers, and support staff a happy, prosperous, and productive 2009.

We stand with you in your glowing quest to raise student achievement and regain accreditation for St. Louis Public Schools. The organizers of this online journal intend to stand with you through thick and thin.

Our overarching goal is to support you and share with the public, the inestimable contributions you all make to our children.

We thank all our online visitors and wish them a Happy New Year as well.

Supporters of Dr. Kelvin Adams and St. Louis Public Schools.