Tuesday, December 9, 2008

We need to curb the skyrocketing high school dropout rate and increase graduation rate.

To all St. Louis Public Schools Stakeholders:

"Nearly a fourth of the high school students in St. Louis Public Schools dropped out last school year, according to data to be released by the state today. At 22 percent, it is the single largest spike in city school dropout rates in the last five years, and an 88 percent increase from the prior year. It's a very disappointing piece of information," said St. Louis district CEO Rick Sullivan. Sullivan added that the district has taken several steps this year to address the problem, and he has seen some results already." Courtesy of David Hunn and Steve Giegerich, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, December 9, 2009.

Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education calculates dropout rate as the number of high school students, grades 9-12, who stopped going to school in one year and had not re-enrolled by the following fall. Dropout rate is widely considered a key measure of the academic success of a school district.

Our perspective: There has to be a conserted effort by all the stakeholders of St. Louis Public Schools to define the priorities and formulate action plans for sustainable solution to the dropout rate. One of the stakeholders who has a proven track record in reducing dropout rates and raising graduation rates is Dr. Kelvin Adams. He reduced dropout rate and increased graduation rate in the Recovery School District in New Orleans. "He steered the completion of the development of the high school redesign and with a new managed instructional program, increased graduation from 39% to 67% in one year."

The elected leaders, parents, teachers, the clergy, the business community, and all other citizens of St. Louis City must support and work with the superintendent, teachers, and support staff of St. Louis Public Schools to reduce the dropout rate. Our students must stay in school, graduate, and enroll in college. It is a moral obligation. It is important for the economic and social fabric of St. Louis.

Parents and Citizens of St. Louis City who Support the Superintendent, Teachers and Students of St. Louis Public Schools. Our slogan is "Support Destination Accreditation." Please pass this blog to others.