Friday, October 3, 2008

Why we need to support the incoming SLPS Superintendent

The parents and the citizens of St. Louis City need to support Dr. Kelvin Adams to enable him to accomplish the following overarching goals:
  1. Put the school district on track to reclaim its accreditation and glorious days.
  2. Rein in on the perennial budget problem.
  3. Raise the low academic standards by improving student learning and performance outcomes.
  4. Introduce rigorous standards-based & data-driven strategies to drive the school district's curriculum, instruction, and assessment.
  5. Improve the quality of instruction by providing well coordinated professional development.
  6. Strengthen accountability.

We need to give him the chance to do his job. We believe he will make substantial improvement over time if we don't constrain him like the past superintendents. Please let us keep politics out of the classroom.

Let us support our school district and its new superintendent and students and teachers.

St. Louis Public Schools Parents Movement to Support Dr. Kelvin Adams.