Sunday, October 19, 2008

Warm Welcome to Dr. Kelvin Adams

We extend warm and heartfelt welcome to the incoming Superintendent of St. Louis Public Schools, Dr. Kelvin Adams. He'll report for duty on October 20, 2008.

We ask all St. Louis Public Schools parents to welcome Dr. Adams, remain involved in our children's education, and give the school chief unswerving support while he tries to tackle the many problems facing the school district.

Dr. Adams will come and work as hard as he did for the Recovery School District (RSD) of New Orleans. He has been praised much by the Louisiana Superintendent of Schools, the RSD Superintendent, and the teachers.

Please post your feedback comments on this blog. Show your support.

SLPS Parents Movement to Support Dr. Kelvin Adams.


Anonymous said...

I am an African American parent who went to St. Louis Public. Several of my children went through these schools. My last went graduated from Metro High and finished college two years ago. It is true that there are many problems facing teachers and students but as parents we've to take the responsibility to help our children outside school.

My grandchildren now attend elementary and middle school. The conditions are hard but I told my sons and daughters to work hard with them.

Welcome Dr. Adams. You've my full support. Help the teachers and the children.

Sam Conley

Anonymous said...

Dr. Adams: Disregard the many naysayers and do your job. Avoid affiliations because that is how they will trap you. This is a polarized city. I believe that is what happened to Dr. Williams.

I support you 100%.

Jack T.
parent, St. Louis.

Anonymous said...

Welcome and feel at home our Sup.

Zamzam Kelly

Anonymous said...

I got this site address 3 times in my e-mail in the recent past. It is good. Dr. kelvin needs support from parent knowing the history of how interest groups ran out superentendants. We need to send a powerful message to this wolves in sheep skin.

Yolanda Sims-Jackson
St. Louis.

Anonymous said...

WElcome Dr. Adams to St. Louis. We'll give you support so that you can educate our children

Jeff and Linda Dandrich
parents, St. Louis.

Anonymous said...

Feel at home Doctor.

Sonya Freeman

Anonymous said...

Welcome sir to our city schools. I'm sure you'll spare no efforts as you did down in New Orleans.

Martinne S.

Anonymous said...

We hope to meet Dr. Adams in some of the schools. We've three children in SLPS.

Steve and Keisha Bryant