Sunday, November 23, 2008

Let us hear from you: Post your comments on the blog or e-mail us.

To our online visitors:

This is an interactive blog where you can leave comments in response to one or more articles for other patrons to read. Please follow the following simple steps to post a response comment on our blog:

  1. Click comments link at the end of the article you want to respond to.
  2. On the screen that comes up, type your response in the “leave your comments” box.
  3. If given a code of numbers and letters, type them exactly as they are in the box below it.
  4. Choose the radio button for Name/URL or Anonymous. If you select Name/URL radio button, type your name (required) and URL (optional). URL is the Internet address you want to share with other online visitors if you have one. Choose the Anonymous radio button if you want to remain anonymous.
  5. Click "PREVIEW" to ensure what you entered is correct.
  6. Click "PUBLISH YOUR COMMENT" to post your response on our blog.

Please be corteous to other online visitors. We can agree to disagree but still be civil.

Please feel free to send us articles that we can publish to the blog. Our e-mail is

FYI: We've already shared this blog with some stakeholders including elected local and state officials, those in the business community, the clergy etc. We intend to substantially expand our audience from January 2008. We'll use this powerful medium of communication to advance the causes of St. Louis Public Schools. Please pass this blog to others.

Parents and Citizens of St. Louis City who Support the Superintendent, Teachers, and Students of St. Louis Public Schools.


Anonymous said...

This is thee kind of tool we needed when the self-interest groups were creating problems for past school superintendants. I have somewhere to express my opinion.
Joy K
St. Louis.

Anonymous said...

This is cool.