Saturday, February 14, 2009

Mayor Slay gave high marks to St. Louis Public Schools Superintendent Kelvin Adams.

To our online visitors:

In a recent interview with St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Mayor Francis Slay had a lot of praise for Dr. Kelvin Adams, the Superintendent of St. Louis Public Schools. Courtesy of Eddie Roth of St. Louis Post-Dispatch, February 10, 2009.

Also in a St. Louis Post-Dispatch article of January 21, 2009, Senate President Pro Tem Charlie Shields complimented Adams, saying his is the best plan for the district he has heard in his 19 years in the General Assembly. Courtesy of Roseann Moring, St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

The parents, teachers, the school principals, the urban community the school district serves, and the teachers' union are optimistic about Dr. Adams' vision for the city's troubled public schools.

The Special Administrative Board has all praises for Dr. Adams for his leadership skills.

Our Perspective: Dr. Adams is reaching out to all stakeholders, which is a smart move. He is building a coalition of stakeholders to help him implement his vision. A St. Louis Public Schools Superintendent to be complimented by the most powerful Republican in the Missouri legislature (Senate President Pro Tem Charlie Shields) is unheard of. Sen. Shields is a mover and shaker in Jefferson City. He has to give his blessings for any public fundig that comes out of the State Capitol. To have the blessings of Mayor Slay of St. Louis is good for the school district. Support from parents, teachers, principals, the urban community, and the teachers' union is fundamental to Dr. Adams' success. Now that Dr. Adams has built a coalition of stakeholders, he needs to hold this fragile coalition together. He needs to be political savvy! He is playing his cards smart so far.

Parents and Citizens of St. Louis City who Support the Superintendent, Teachers and Students of St. Louis Public Schools. Our slogan is "Support Destination Accreditation." Please pass this blog to others.

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