Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Dr. Kelvin Adams discusses St. Louis Public Schools on KWMU

Dr. Kelvin Adams was recently on KWMU radio to discuss the situation he is confronted with, his plans, and aspirations for St. Louis Public Schools. Click the link below to listen to the discussion on St. Louis on the Air.

St. Louis on the Air: March 16, 2009-St. Louis Public Schools

Supporters of Dr. Kelvin Adams and St. Louis Public Schools.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SLPS is jumping to make decisions that seem very irrational and during parent meetings at the schools that have been designated to close at the end of this school year, the administration cannot even answer questions that are brought to them. Thier answers are vague and they seem as if they have no answers at times. The one magnet school that they are choosing to close and leave as an abandoned school building is a registered historic landmark. Simmons-Marshall is a great school with great staff. The children are thriving in this school and this current decision will move these children to neighborhood schools in all areas of St.Louis away from teachers and other students that they have known for years. The decision that has been made is one that could be detrimental to these children and thier educations. On top of that, they left parents who have filled out applications and waited to have a spot at this school with no other option than to send thier children to schools with less technology and possibly lower achievement levels. Moving this children is an unjustice to them and I truly don't believe a word that Kelvin Adams says about listening to parents opinions. If he had, our school wouldn't be closing and I am sure some of the others on the list wouldn't be either.